YF404 Assistant Corporate Accountant **External**
Assistant Corporate Accountant.
1 full-time permanent post available.
West Yorkshire Police Finance and Commercial Services Directorate is looking to recruit an Assistant Corporate Accountant.
This is an excellent opportunity to join this team in a new structure where you will assist in the delivery of a comprehensive, efficient and effective financial insights function across the Force, NPAS and the region ensuring that it is customer focused. Additionally, you will assist in the delivery of a short- and medium-term budgeting service with detailed and innovative forecasting analysis to support strategic decision making.
The ideal candidate be an AAT graduate with knowledge of financial procedures, financial systems, cost centre structures and spend control.
Please refer to the role profile to ensure that you meet all the essential elements before applying.
Closing date for applications: 4th March 2025 at 23:55 hours.
We are not accepting CVs or cover letters for this application, therefore please ensure you complete the required application form to enable your application to be progressed
The 2024 version of the Competency Values Framework applies to this process. Please disregard the old link to the 2016 version which is contained in the role profile.
Please note: The application will request you to confirm the rating on your last PDR. This is not applicable to external candidates therefore please select ‘No opportunity to assess.’
The West Yorkshire Police (WYP) attendance standard:
The organisation has an attendance standard which applies to everyone. Individuals will have breached the standard if, in a 12-month rolling period, they have: Three or more sickness absence periods; or 10 or more working days’ sickness.