Special Constable - Transferee
We welcome applications from current serving special constables who have reached independent patrol or directed patrol status and are looking to transfer to Surrey Police. If you do not have this status, you can apply via our new special constable recruitment pathway here
Surrey’s Special Constabulary plays a crucial role in fighting crime, protecting people, and earning the trust and confidence of all our communities. Through their volunteering with our operational policing teams, our special constables provide valuable additional capacity and resilience to our frontline Teams.
Once your application has been received and checked you will be invited to a selection interview. If you are successful at interview, you will undergo pre-appointment checks which include medical, references, vetting and a fitness test.
Upon successful completion of the above, you will undertake a training needs analysis to identify any training requirements you may have. If significant training needs are identified, you may be asked to undertake our full initial special constable training course.
The transfer process can take between three and six months depending on your individual circumstances. You are therefore advised to submit your application at the earliest opportunity to minimise any break in service.
Chief Constables' MessageWe really welcome your interest in joining our Police Force. It is a privilege to lead the teams in Surrey Police and Sussex Police who continuously work selflessly and tirelessly in order to keep people in our counties safe.
We are looking for talented and inspirational people who put the needs of the public at the heart of everything that they do and who want to make a difference. If you feel you are that person then we want to hear from you.
We wish you all the very best with your application.
Chief Constable Tim De Meyer & Chief Constable Jo Shiner
Diversity StatementWe are only as good as our people. It's important that our officers and staff can be themselves in the workplace and we know that as an organisation we'll grow from the variety of thinking, approach, and the skills that diversity brings; all of which help us to deliver a better policing service. We strive to ensure how we deliver our services, provide information and how we recruit is open and accessible to all.
We have multiple staff support groups who help to improve our understanding of minority issues and ensure they are reflected in our work. We are proud members of Disability Confident, hold Race Equality Matters Trailblazer status, are a signatory of the Race at Work Charter and are aligned with the Armed Forces Covenant and the HeForShe movement.
We are committed to being an anti-racist police service. We promise to challenge injustice, ensure fairness and to uphold anti-racist principles in both our organisation and our communities. For more information, you can read our full anti-racism statement here.
We value the differences that people bring from all backgrounds and communities. Regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, disability, social status, or religious belief, we would love to hear from you.
Please use the following links to find out more on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Surrey Police and Sussex Police
Additional Information
Following submission of your application you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your application attached. Occasionally emails from this address can fall into spam/junk folders so please ensure this is checked regularly. You may wish to consider adding noreply@surreysussexpolice.as.recruitmail.com to your address/contact list to ensure you receive all communications.