Vehicle Cleaning and Inventory Volunteer

Posted on 17th Mar 2018

Vehicle Cleaning and Inventory Volunteer

We are looking for a Vehicle Cleaning and Inventory volunteer to work at Chesterfield Police Station.

Derbyshire Constabulary has a wide range of marked and unmarked vehicles. We take pride in ensuring our standards and values are maintained throughout all areas of the force.

We require volunteers to help us clean & valet vehicles, carry out simple safety checks, such as tyre pressures & tread depth and conduct an inventory check to ensure the vehicles are fully stocked and ready for use. This includes such things as first aid kits, police tape & other essential equipment that are an everyday requirement for frontline officers & staff.

You will need to have knowledge of basic car maintenance and the ability to present vehicles to a high standard.

If you think you can be flexible and volunteer for 4 hours per week, please read the job description for further information.

As a Police Support Volunteer you will be making a real contribution to the success of the organisation, using your spare time to do something worthwhile and that really makes a difference.

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