Deputy Police Ombudsman of Fiosrú - Oifig an Ombudsman Póilíneachta
Fiosrú is to be formally established under Part 5 of the Policing, Security and Community Safety (PSCS) Act 2024. The Act was signed into law by the President on 7 February 2024 and will be commenced shortly. The new legal framework for the structure and operation of Fiosrú is set out in Parts 5 and 6 of the Act. Candidates are now being sought for the position of Deputy Police Ombudsman of Fiosrú - Oifig an Ombudsman Póilíneachta.As Fiosrú is a reorganised corporate body with a changing organisation structure, it requires a leader with a proven capacity to manage change. The Act streamlines the processes and procedures for the handling of complaints and the conduct of investigations to support timely, more transparent and effective resolution while safeguarding due process for all concerned.
The Deputy Police Ombudsman will demonstrate a strong commitment to public service and will understand the importance of public trust and confidence in An Garda Síochána and the role that an efficient and effective complaints and conduct system plays in building and maintaining that trust and confidence. The Deputy Police Ombudsman will be an identifiable leader in policing in Ireland, working with An Garda Síochána, the Policing and Community Safety Authority and with other Agencies, inside and outside the State, to build a world class policing service in Ireland based on a fundamental respect for human rights.
The successful candidate will have:
A proven record of achievement at senior level in the public or private sector that demonstrates the vision, leadership, and management skills necessary for the role;
The ability to establish and communicate a clear vision and sense of purpose across the organisation, and to establish a high performance culture;
A proven record of planning strategically and implementing change while ensuring delivery of ongoing services in a large organisation;
Experience of change management and the implementation of organisational reform, and the establishment and delivery of new processes;
Demonstrated evidence of sound knowledge and application of governance policies and processes in a complex environment;
Knowledge of the function and operation of an investigative or oversight body, with evidence of strong governance and/or regulatory experience
A qualification relevant to the role.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 3pm on Thursday 10th April 2025.
If you feel you would benefit from a confidential discussion about this role, please contact Ms. Niamh McGuinness at
We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity and encourage applications under all nine grounds of the Employment Equality Act.