Members of Joint / Independent Audit Committee
Location: HQ Northallerton / Hybrid
Contract: Volunteer Opportunity (reasonable travel and parking expenses may be claimed. Details of all expenses payable will be provided once successful)
Hours: Members would be expected to attend on average 4 sessions a year. We will confirm the pre-planned session dates once a year.
The York & North Yorkshire Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning (OPFCC) is looking for professionals to help govern both North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service by taking up between two and four-year terms on the:
- Joint Independent Audit Committee (JIAC - Supporting Police and PFCC)
- Independent Audit Committee (IAC - Supporting Fire & Rescue).
This is an exciting opportunity for someone to be able to join a dynamic team, and support the Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire and Crime, Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer in discharging their statutory responsibilities.
Committee Members are required to each attend four meetings a year, these are voluntary unpaid roles, but reasonable expenses incurred as a result of carrying out the role will be reimbursed.
Independent members will proactively support the Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire and Crime in ensuring the right governance and control mechanisms are in place to support a well-run police and fire service.
As an independent member, you should ideally have a financial, accountancy, risk-management or audit background and have experience in corporate governance, ideally in the public sector. However we welcome applications from people with a range of experience who have an interest in emergency services and an enquiring mind.
The Committees are responsible for enhancing public trust and confidence in the governance of the OPFCC, North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. It also assists the Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime in discharging their statutory responsibilities in holding the Police Force to account, and ensures that effective governance and risk management arrangements are in place and functioning efficiently and effectively.
Applicants must be over the age of 18, ideally live or work in North Yorkshire and be able to attend meetings during the working day either via Microsoft Teams or at Headquarters in Northallerton.
If you have any enquiries, please contact Shain Yapp -
If you wish to apply to join the JIAC / IAC, please submit your CV no later than 0900am on Monday 31st March. Please note all successful applications will be required to complete satisfactory vetting clearance (NPPV2).