Transferee Candidate Details

Posted on 11th Dec 2024

Transferee Candidate Details

We are pleased to confirm that our next transferee intake is due to start on Monday 22nd September 2025.

This intake will be for officers up to the rank of Inspector.

Interviews will be week commencing the 16th June 2025 in person or via Teams link.

Should you be successful at interview, you will then be put through pre-employment checks. This will include a medical and fitness test whilst undergoing vetting clearance.

Please note, officers wishing to transfer to Lancashire will do so based on their current job role or any previous experience that they have.

Are you from a non- home office force?

Lancashire Constabulary does welcome officers from non- home office forces to apply to transfer. However, for officers to be eligible, officers are required to have completed an Online Assessment Centre with the College of Policing (formally known as SEARCH) during their initial recruitment training. We will need evidence of this from your HR or via the COP directly. 

Once we have this information, we can then assess what initial training has been completed and make an assessment as to the best training course to suit you. 

Do you want to be apart of the September intake?

Why not submit an application! Once you have submitted an application, please email to confirm your interest

Have any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact the Transferee team on 01772 410 332

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