Special Constable

Posted on 2nd Jul 2024

Special Constable

We’re recruiting for Special Constables. Make a difference in your community, volunteering your spare time for a minimum of 16 hours a month.

Special Constables are part-time, voluntary police officers with the same powers as regular police officers. They are highly trained and play an essential role in preventing, reducing and tackling crime and keeping the communities of Hertfordshire safe.

Specials come from all walks of life, have the same powers as regular police officers and wear the same uniform.

Our Specials have joined for many different reasons, including supporting the communities they live in, and acquiring valuable skills which assist their personal and career development, bolstering self-respect and confidence.

New Specials take part in a 13 week blended learning programme, including an induction day, distance learning webinars and face to face classroom lessons. Blended learning involves webinar learning sessions and classroom based practical lessons during evenings and weekends.

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